Monday, November 16, 2015

Great American Smoke Out - Thursday November 19th, 2015

Review of the Tobacco Cessation Information Packet provided by the City of Lincoln:

The 10 Best Quit Smoking iPhone & Android Apps of 2015:

1. Smoke Free
2. Kwit
3. LIVESTRONG My Quit Coach
4. Quit It Lite
5. Quit Smoking Cessation Nation
6. Stop Smoking Cigarettes Now
7. Quit Smoking with Andrew Johnson
8. Craving to Quit
9. Quit Now!
10. Quit Pro

Electronic Smoking Devices (E-Cigarettes) and Secondhand Aerosol:

According to the American's for Nonsmokers' Rights, the 'harmless water vapor' contains nicotine, ultrafine particles and low levels of toxins that are known to cause cancer

Effects of second-hand smoke from E-cigarettes may make respiratory ailments like asthma worse or constrict arteries which could trigger a heart attack.

The following information was obtained from American Cancer Society:
Benefits from Quitting:

After you quit smoking:
In 20 minutes: your blood pressure drops to your pre-cigarette level
In 12 Hours: your carbon monoxide level drops to normal
In 24 hours: Your chance of a heart attack may decrease
In 2 weeks to 3 months: Your lung function may increase up to 30%
In 1 year: Your excess risk of developing coronary heart disease is now half the risk of a smoker
In 5 years: Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a non-smoker
In 10 years: Your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a person who continues to smoke

  • Thank you to City Wellness Program Coordinator Keerun Kamble to put the packets of information together! Please take a look the Tobacco Cessation Wellness Packet for additional information to assist you or your loved one to quit smoking!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Staying Fit through the Holidays

There are 35 days between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. These days are full of last minute shopping, holiday parties, and family obligations, which make it difficult to take time to hit the gym, go for a walk, or focus on eating healthy. After reviewing a few websites, here is a list of tips to help Stay Fit through the Holidays.....

1. Join the Holiday Challenge - Information regarding the LPD Holiday Challenge will be released soon! Stay Tuned

2. Complete a 5K - There are events being held during these days. Check out the Wellness Calendar and find a friend to walk/run with!

3. Start a Fitness Tradition - We have several family traditions, why not start a fitness tradition with the family, which could include the Turkey Trot before Thanksgiving Dinner.

4. Powerwalk & Shopping - While you are shopping make sure you do extra laps of powerwalking around the mall or shopping centers.

5. Try Ice Skating - Lincoln Stars Icebox or Canopy Ice Rink  - A great adventure with the family

6. Sweet Tooth - Indulge only in the most special holiday treats

7. Shovel Snow rather than use the snow blower - a high intensity workout that uses all your muscles