Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ofc. John Clarke #872

Our condolences to Ofc. Clarke's wife, children and family at his recent passing.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

If a picture is worth a thousand words then a video is……………..

Many folks at LPD have already watched this video as a training tool and for good reason. One, it’s a bizarre situation that most officers will not likely see in their careers. Two, and more importantly, the quality of the video is fantastic; not the grainy dashboard camera angles we are used to. No doubt there are multiple approaches to analyzing this video but for our purposes we should focus on what role police fitness plays in officer survival. Harkening back to a previous post “Why police fitness matters” think about if you are the officer who has to carry your partner to safety? Or maybe worse yet, imagine you are the downed officer and you have to be rescued? What happens if the second officer gets hurt because (s)he is struggling moving you? Bottom line: How confident are you in your fitness?

What if you have to save this guy? What if it’s you?


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

You Ate What??

You want to lose weight but still eat whatever you want and not exercise???? Well, it could be as easy as a trip to Mexico and eating the worm.  If you haven’t heard the premise behind the tapeworm diet it’s pretty simple. You visit a friendly clinic down south, swallow a tapeworm cyst which hangs out in your digestive tract and essentially the worm eats what you eat, but the worm gets fatter, you don’t. After you lose the desired weight you take a pill that kills the worm. Never mind that one of the side effects could be a super sexy swollen stomach and not to mention death (it’s illegal in the US).

The tapeworm diet is extreme but it does point out an issue with even more mainstream diet fads. We rely on quick fixes and miracle pills to achieve our dream physique, thinking we ‘cheated’ the system, and not needing to work hard. The truth is that to lose and maintain a healthy weight you must commit to a healthier lifestyle. Eat more fruits/vegetables, eat sensible portions, and avoid the obvious junk foods. It doesn’t get simpler than that.

But on the subject of fad diets has anyone heard/tried any of these?

Twinkie Diet
Morning Banana Diet
Cabbage Soup Diet
Hollywood Diet
Caveman Diet
Beer and Sausage Diet
Raw Food Diet
Grapefruit Diet
Cookie Diet
Baby Food Diet

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fitness Fair Thank You

C'mon Mike stop acting like you are gonna start running
The LPD Wellness committee held it’s first fitness fair this past January. With well over 30 vendors, the 175+ city/county employees who attended got a head start on accomplishing their fitness/wellness goals for the year. A big thank you to this year’s vendors for all your time and expertise and we look forward to making next year’s fair an even bigger success!


Akins Natural Foods

Aspen Athletic Club                        

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Body Overhall                                                                

Bryan LGH

City Wide Wellness Parks                                                     

Complete Nutrition


Farrell’s Extreme Body Shaping

Ferguson Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center

Good Life Fitness                                                            

Great Plains Trail Network

Health Department                                                            

Jenny Craig


Lifepointe by BryanLGH

Lincoln Racquet Club                                                         

Lincoln Yoga Center

Madonna Proactive                                                             

Max Muscle

Nebraska Sports Council

Nebraska Heart Institute

Practice of Chiropractic, Clinical Nutrition, & Functional Diagnostic Medicine

Prairie Life Fitness                                                         


Running Company                                                              

Tiger Rock Academy

Victory Quest                                                                

Wellness One
