Thursday, September 26, 2013

Homemade equipment: Kettlebell Swings

Lately, I have been reading Tim Feriss's book The 4 hour body and think it's a great read. Standby for all kinds of quotes and concepts from the book. To sum it up Tim is obsessed with finding the 'Minimum Effective Dose' (MED) for nutrition, sleep, exercise, rehabbing injuries, sex etc. Tim is self admittedly unorthodox and focuses on bucking the norms of fitness, essentially challenging the establishment. Tim does a brilliant job of pointing out bogus science, sensationalist headlines and marketing ploys used by today's fitness 'experts'.

MED Explained

As mentioned above Tim wants to find the Minimum Effective Dose for building muscle, losing weight, improving sleep among others. To best explain the concept of MED Tim uses the example of tanning. Let's say the MED is 15 minutes a day of tanning. Anything more than that is just a waste, you aren't getting any darker. Not only are you wasting your time you also risk getting sunburned which will keep you inside for a couple of days, where you end up missing more tanning sessions. By figuring out the MED for any task Tim asserts that it gives you more time to do the things you want to do. Get Tim's book from Amazon or from your local library.

Kettlebell Swings and the homemade kettlebell.

In the book Tim introduces the Kettlebell swing and provides examples of people who have lost 100+ lbs from doing this one exercise. Check out the video below for an explanation of the move and proper technique. Kettlebell swings are one of the those cool exercises which is a strength/cardio hybrid, meaning it makes you want to throw up afterwards.
Alright so you decide you are going start doing these automatic vomit kettlebell swings. Hopefully your gym has them but if not you notice how expensive kettlebells are and because they are just one weight you might have to buy several of them. It can add up to $200+ quickly. So let me suggest the homemade adjustable kettlebell. Go to your local hardware store and pickup the following items:
3/4" diameter 12" nipple (1)
3/4" diameter 6"-8" nipples (2)
3/4" diameter T (1)
3/4" diameter Flange (1)
A nipple is just metal pipe that has threads on both sides. We will use these to screw into the floor flange and T. I started with 8" nipples but will probably go down to 6" nipples so I stop hitting myself in the legs. Also you can get black metal or galvanized. the black metal is cheaper but is not as clean. I'm cheap so I went with the black metal.
What you need from the hardware store
So the longer 12" nipple serves as the base the shorter nipples will be your handles. You thread the three nipples into the T and then screw the bottom thread of the 12" nipple into the flange. Then you need to pick up weighted plates. I'd suggest going to a secondhand equipment store or garage sales as this gets pricey too. Then just unthread the top portion of the T and add the weights so they rest on top of the flange. Obviously you will need to get weights that have a large enough hole in the middle to fit around the nipple. Rethread the T back on, add the clamp to keep the weights from sliding and then get to work.  
Finished product.