Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Back in March I wrote a short piece about sports supplements that contain an amphetamine derivative called DMAA. DMAA is essentially a stimulant and has effects that mimic other popular stimulants such as ephedra and caffeine;  raises heart rates and blood pressure.  Psychiatric disorders, heart problems, nervous system disorders and death were all reported to the Food Drug Administration as possible adverse side effects. The FDA said they received about 90 of these types of cases.

 In response  the FDA sent out letters to 11 manufacturers of products that contain DMAA, warning them their products may be unsafe. Near the end of April 2013 the FDA announced that any products containing DMAA would be deemed unsafe and should not be sold. Several companies argued against this but ultimately lost and agreed to start to phase out production and sales of these products. The FDA does have the power to ban products from being sold the U.S. but in order to do that they have to undergo substantial testing. The FDA has not done that in this case but has sent warning letters to these manufacturers which was able to gain 'voluntary' compliance.

Both sides have experts that debate whether or not DMAA is safe and I'm not qualified to argue with either of them. Like I mentioned in the earlier post you know your body better than anyone else and should critically evaluate anything you put in your body.  That being said if you do like DMAA products now would be the time to scoop them up.


We have DMAA so buy us now!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Now if we could do something about the FDA supporting so many GMO products. I would love to see something on this. It baffles me the trouble one goes through to get their product labeled organic and how little the public knows or is aware of the chemicals in foods the FDA considers 'safe'.
